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Individual Record for: Richard I DE CORNWALL (male)

  I JOHN      Family Record
Richard I DE CORNWALL      Family Record Eleanor DE AQUITAINE+

Spouse Children
unknown spouse
  (Family Record)
  (Family Record)
unknown spouse
  (Family Record)

Event Date Details
Birth 5 JAN 1208/09 Place: Winchester Castle, Hampshire, England
Death 2 APR 1272 Place: Newark Castle, Newark, England seizure
Burial   Place: Hayles Abbey, Gloucestershie, England

Attribute Details
Title King
_FA1: Interred: Hayles Abbey, Gloucestershire. Created Count of Poit ou in 1225. 11 12 13
_FA2: Intelligent, pragmatic, had business acumen, a lack of rancor. 14
_FA3: Not popular w/ the people as these qualities were unusual in a Lor d. 14
_FA4: Staunch defender of his brother Henry the King's rights before Baron s. 15
_FA5: Known for his studied, analytical & shrewd competence. 14
_FA6: ABT 1246 Pope oferred him Kingdom of Sicily, but Frederick held i t. 14
_FA7: MAY 1252 Spoke for non-censure of Simon de Montfort at latter's Gasc ony trial. 14
_FA8: APR 1258 Sent 50 ships of grain from Germany to help alleviate fami ne in London. 14
_FA9: 23 APR 1260 Peacemaker between Henry & Prince Edward, Henry's so n. 14
_FA10: MAY 1262 Arbiter between Henry & the barons, finds in favor of Henr y. 14
_FA11: 13 JAN 1256/57 Elected King of the Romans and King of Germany (Alma ine). 16 17 10
_FA12: MAR 1270/71 Never got over the murder of his son Henry by his Montf ort nephews.
_FA13: Earl of Cornwall 30 May 1227. Renounced the County of Poitou ca D ec 1243. 5
Medical Information: Reddish hair & fair complected. Near sighted.


Weir says died Berkhampstead Castle & buried Hayles Abbey.

REF: "Falls the Shadow" Sharon Kay Penman: During Simon de Montfort's baro ns war, March 31, 1264 Londoners riot (London was very pro de Montfort), b urn townhouses of the hated William de Lusignan, also prominent Royalist L ord Philip Basset, also Richard of Cornwall's Westminster manor, & his bel oved Isleworth manor 7 miles away. Richard overnight goes from trying to m ediate a solution to, like Edward, ardently desiring a battlefield confron tation.
Richard was not popular with his brother Henry III's subjects as he was in telligent, pragmatic, had business acumen, & a lack of rancor; these quali ties were disdained in favor of reckless courage, battlefield prowess, & o pen-handed generosity, which was expected of Lords. Richard's courage w as never suspect; but he was not an innovative nor brilliant military comm ander. At Battle of Lewes on 14 May 1264, Richard commanded the left fla nk of the Royalist forces. After Prince Edward left the battle to pursue w ith unwholesome savagery the rebel Londoner flank of Montfort's forces, Mo ntfort, keeping a reserve force (a tactic unheard of) came in & attacked H enry & obliterated his force; Henry fleed to the priory. Gilbert de Clare 's center column forces met Richard's & took the day. Richard with his s on Edmund fled into a windmill. When de Clare's forces captured the, th ey jeered "come out king of the millers". John Giffard's squire was the o ne who officially accepted Richard's royal surrender, adding to Richard 's discomposure (that he had surrendered to a squire rather than a knight ). Upon his presentation to Simon de Montfort, Simon made the lad, John Be fs of Tewkesbury, a knight.

Notes Source: bulkeley.txt

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