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Individual Record for: Joan DE BRITTANY (female)

  I JOHN      Family Record
Joan DE BRITTANY      Family Record Eleanor DE AQUITAINE+
  Agatha DE FERRERES      Family Record
    Sybil DE BRAOSE+

Spouse Children
Llewellyn Ap IORWERTH
  (Family Record)
Angharad Verch LLEWELLYN
Margaret Verch LLEWELLYN

Event Date Details
Birth 1186  
Death 30 MAR 1236  

Attribute Details
Title Princess
_FA1: Interred: Llanfaes, Anglesey, Wales. 8
_FA2: Her husband Prince Llewelyn erected the Friary of Llanfaes over h er tomb. 8
_FA3: Her coffin is in the porch of the parish church, Beaumaris, Ynys M on (Anglesey). 8
_FA4: AUG 1211 Begged her father John to spare husband Llywelyn's life a ft 2nd Welsh uprising. 16 16 8
_FA5: 1212 Warned John of English baronial opposistion overheard at Wel sh court. 17 17 8
Medical Information: Dark hair & coloring. Hazel eyeys. 8

ES III:356b credits John with two illegitimate children by Agatha de Ferre rs
- Joan and Richard.

"Magna Charta Barons" by Charles H. Browning, copyright 1969 (I'm unsu re of the overall reliability of this source), gives Joan's mother as Agat ha de Ferrers, daughter of Robert de Ferrers, fourth Earl of Derby.

The journal "The Plantagenet Connection" has published an ahnentafel of El izabeth Plantagenet, wife of Henry VII, which gives Joan's mother's na me as Constance (Clementia) of Brittany. This is the same Constance who w as married to Geoffrey Plantagenet, John's brother. Considering the well-k nown animosity between Constance and John and her attempts to press her o wn son Arthur's interests as far as the throne of England were concerned ( whom John murdered with his own hands) the relationship seems unlikely. T he Constance that history portrays does not seem as one who John could eas ily seduce or coerce into bed.

Others suggest her mother was Clemantina, the wife of Henry Pinel.

Penman, Sharon Kay. "Here Be Dragons". New York: Ballatine Books, June 199 3.
Penman, Sharon Kay. "Falls The Shaow". New York: Ballatine Books, May 1989 .
Lewis, Marlyn (compiler for "The Plantagenet Connection"). "Ahnentafel f or Elizabeth Plantagenet (Wife of Henry Tudor): Generations 1-15". Arvad a, CO: Heliotrope Communications, 1996.
Wurts, John C. "Magna Charta". Copyright 1945.
Browning, Charles H. "Magna Charta Barons". Copyright 1969.
Adams, Arthur and Frederick Weis. "Magna Charta Sureties". Copyright 1955.
Sir J. E. Lloyd's "History of Wales", Vol.II


Event: Partners ABT OCT 1228 12 8

One interesting story from Joan and Llywelyn's marriage: about 1230/123 1, Llywelyn returned home unexpectedly to find Joan alone in their bedro om with William de Braose. This story is recounted in "Here Be Dragons" a nd one other "purely historical" source. William was later hanged on Llywe lyn's order.

From "The Genealogist" article by Wm. Addams Reitwiesner: He was discover ed in Joan's chambers, accused of being her lover, and promptly and public ly hanged. While the story that William and Joan were lovers has been gene rally accepted, the Annals of Margam (in T. Gale, ed , Historiae Britannic ae et Anglicanae Scriptores XX (Oxford, 1687), 2-18, [anno] MCCXXX) impli es that the "intimacy" was devised by Llywelyn to avenge himself on Willi am for political injuries inflicted not only by William but by the enti re Braose family; the execution was hailed by the Welsh as a vindicati on of a blood-feud against the Braoses dating from at least 1176. Indee d, shortly after the execution Llywelyn wrote to William's widow Eva a nd to William Marshal, Earl of Pembroke, Eva's brother, stating, in effec t, that so far as
he was concerned, the intended marriage between Llywelyn's son Dafydd a nd Eva's daughter Isabella could go forward as planned, and that he cou ld not have prevented the Welsh magnates from taking their vengeance. S ee J. Goronwy Edwards, Calendar of Ancient Correspondence concerning Wal es (Board of Celtic Studies of the University of Wales, History and Law Se ries, 2)(Cardiff, 1935), pp 51-52, nos. XI.56a, 56b. The marriage in fa ct took place three months later.

Notes Source: bulkeley.txt

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