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Individual Record for: Gilbert Fitzgilbert DE CLARE (male)

    Richard Fitzgilbert DE CLARE+
  Gilbert Fitzrichard DE CLARE      Family Record
Gilbert Fitzgilbert DE CLARE      Family Record Rohese GIFFARD+
  Adelise DE CLERMONT      Family Record
    Marguerite DE MONTDIDIER+

Spouse Children
  (Family Record)
Baldwin DE CLARE
Basilia DE CLARE
Richard Fitzgilbert DE CLARE

Event Date Details
Birth 21 SEP 1100 Place: Tunbridge, Kent, England
Birth 21 SEP 1100 Place: Tunbridge, Kent, England
Death 6 JAN 1147/48 Place: England

Attribute Details
Title Earl

He was also Earl of Pembroke, Lord of Bienfaite, Orbec,Normandy; Netherwen t, South Wales.

Of Gilbert fitz Richard I's sons, Gilbert was the only one to achieve a ny great prominence, being the founder of the great cadet branch of the fa mily and the father of one of the most famous men in English history. Gilb ert fitz Gilbert de Clare was high in the favor of Henry I, perhaps becau se his wife Isabell, daughter of Robert de Beaumont, Count of Meulan and E arl of Leicester, was one of Henry's favorite mistresses. When Gilbert's u ncle Roger died without heirs, Henry granted Gilbert the lordships of Bien faite and Orbec in Normandy. When another uncle, Walter, lord of Netherwe nt in South Wales, died without issue in 1138, King Richard gave Gilbert t his lordship in addition to the lordship of Pembroke, which had been forfe ited by Arnulf of Montgomery in 1102. Gilbert was also created earl of Pem broke in 1138.

Notes Source: bulkeley.txt

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