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Individual Record for: Margaret DE GALLOWAY (female)

  EDWARD      Family Record
Margaret DE GALLOWAY      Family Record EADGYTH+
Luidolf Von Braunschweig DE BRUNSWICK+
  Agatha DE BRUNSWICK      Family Record
    Gertrud DE NORDGAU+

Spouse Children
  (Family Record)

Event Date Details
Birth 1045 Place: Hungary
Death 16 NOV 1093 Place: Edinburgh Castle, Edinburgh, Mid Lothian, Scotland of grief
Burial   Place: Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland

Attribute Details
Title Queen
Margaret was the niece of Edward the Confessor. She was brought up at t he Hungarian court, where her father, EDward, was in exile. After the Bat tle of Hastings, Edward's widow and children fled for safety to Scotlan d. Her brother, Edgar the Aetheling, defeated claimant to the England thr one and joined her there. In spite of her leanings toward a religious lif e, Margaret married Malcolm III Canmore, King of Scotland. Through her in fluence over her husband and his court, she promoted, in conformity with t he Gregorian reform, the interests of the church and of the English popula tion conquered by the Scots in the previous century. She died shortly aft er her husband was slain near Alnwick, Northumberland.


REFN: 4248
Canonised 1250 and her feast day is 16th November. In 1057 she arri ved at
the English court of Edward the Confessor. Ten years later she was in
exile after William defeated Harold at the Battle of Hastings. She fled
to Scotland where she was married against her wishes to King Malcolm to
whom she bore six sons and two daughters. Her unlerned and boorish
husband grew daily more graceful and Christian under the queen's graceful
influence. Her remain s were removed to Escorial Spain and her head Douai,
France.Canonized 1250 and her feast day is 16th November. In 1057 she arri ved at the English court of Edward the Confessor. Ten years later she w as in exile after William defeated Harold at the Battle of Hastings. She f led to Scotland where she was married against her wishes to King Malco lm to whom she bore six sons and two daughters. Her unlearned and Boori sh husband grew daily more graceful and Christion under the queen's gracef ul influence. her remains were removed to Escorial Spain and her head Doua i, France.[Plantagenet.FTW]

Many say Margaret of Scotland ruled with "consistent humility and kindness ," and that she was "one of the most remarkable monarchs in medieval Europ e" ("Saint Margaret of Scotland" by Euah Macpherson,6, 24-25, 49. Mar/A pr 1999 The Highlander magazine, Vol 37, No. 2) Her day is November 16th M argaret was born about 1045 in Hungary, while her English royal family w as exiled. Margaret's grandfather was Edmund Ironsides, the English kin g. Her father should have been his (Edmund's) heir but Danish king, Canut e, had other ideas. Her fathers flee to Europe to escape sure death a nd he was called Edward the Atheling ("Claimant") since he still claimed t he English throne. It is said that Margaret wished to be a nun as a you ng girl. Edward returned to his homeland in 1057, but when the Normans inv aded England, in 1066, Margaret had to flee again, this time to Scotlan d. Margaret's brother, Edgar, fought to oppose the Conqueror as King of En gland. Margaret's family was about all that remained of the Old English ro yal family and they were a threat to William the Conqueror's regime. In Sc otland now, Margaret won the heart of Malcolm Canmore (Malcolm III). He fo und her to be both intelligent and beautiful. No one knows if she return ed these feelings, but they married even though Malcolm was 11 years olde r, not very well educated, or religious. Margaret was to be Queen of Scotl and, and her children would be the rightful heirs to the thrones of both E ngland and Scotland. The Conqueror was not happy with this match and Malco lm and Scotland were both in jeopardy. Malcolm married Margaret at Dunferm line in 1070, a union of opposites. Margaret tempered the brutish man a nd he was said to have truly loved her. Her fault was the lack of understa nding of Druidic/Pagan beliefs that existed in Scotland. She was a devo ut Christian. During her time, Celtic saints such as St. Columba, Saint Ke rtogern, and St. Ninian were revered. Margaret worshipped St. Andrew, a Ro man saint. And today St. Andrew is Scotland's patron saint. Malcolm and Ma rgaret turned the fort at Edinburgh into a royal castle. Margaret introduc ed spiced meat and French wine to the Scottish Court. She also insist ed on good table manners and saying grace before meals. Margaret helped re store the abbey at Iona, founded by St. Columba, but also founded Dunferml ine Abbey as the new burial place for Scottish kings. Margaret lay i ll in bed in Edinburgh Castle (near death) while Malcolm invaded Englan d. When she was delivered the news that King Malcolm had died at the Batt le of Alnwick, she lost heart and died. The tiny church called St. Margare t's chapel is associated with the memory of the Queen.
Margaret was recognized as a saint in 1250 (more than 150 years after h er death). Her shrine and relics were installed at Dunfermline on June 1 9, 1250

MARGARET OF SCOTLAND, SAINT (b. c. 1045, probably Hungary--d. Nov. 16, 109 3, Edinburgh; canonized 1250; feast day November 16, Scottish feast day Ju ne 16), queen consort of Malcolm III Canmore and patroness of Scotland.

Notes Source: bulkeley.txt

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