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Individual Record for: III MALCOLM (male)

    Crinan DE MORMAER
  I DUNCAN      Family Record
III MALCOLM      Family Record Bethoc MACALPIN+
  Sibyl DE NORTHUMBRIA      Family Record
    Aelflaed DE BERNICIA+

Spouse Children
  (Family Record)
  (Family Record)

Event Date Details
Birth 1031 Place: Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland
Birth 1024 Place: Athol, Perth, Scotland
Death 13 NOV 1093 Place: Killed in battle--Alnwick, Northumberland, England
Death 13 NOV 1093 Place: Alwick, Northumberland, England
Burial   Place: Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland--Reigned 1058-1093

Attribute Details
Title King
King of Scotland from 1058 to 1093, founder of the dynasty that consolidat ed royal power in the Scottish kingdom.

The son of King Duncan I (reigned 1034-40), Malcolm lived in exile in Engl and during part of the reign of his father's murderer, Macbeth (reigned 10 40-57). Malcolm killed Macbeth in battle in 1057 and then ascended the thr one. After the conquest of England by William the Conqueror, in 1066, Malc olm gave refuge to the Anglo-Saxon prince Edgar the Aetheling and his sist ers, one of Whom, Margaret (later St. Margaret), became his second wife.

Malcolm acknowledge the overlordship of William in 1072 but nevertheless s oon violated his feudal obligations and made five raids into England. Duri ng the last of these invasions he was killed by the forces of king Willi am II Rufus (reigned 1087-1100). Except for a brief interval after Malcolm 's death, the Scottish throne remained in hes family until the death of Qu een Margaret, the Maid of Norway, in 1290. Of Malcolm's six sons by Margar et, three succeeded to the throne: Edgar (reigned 1097-1107), Alexand er I (1107-24), and David I(1124-53).

Moriarty 30;
Kinship of Families by A.F. Bennett
Paget Tab IV & VIII
!The Genealogical Society of Utah; Gareth Rice;

Malcolm III Canmore became king after the defeat of Macbeth atLumphana n. He had spent fifteen years in his youth at the court of Edward the Conf essor and after the Conquest gave asylum to Edgar the Aetheling and his si sters, marrying one of them in 1070.{-see Encyclopedia
Britannica,1956 Ed.,14:723,20:146:} "The kingdom of which Malcolm III to ok possession was a Celtic kingdom, though one of its provinces was peopl ed by Angles.Local and tribal custom prevailed alike in Scotland proper (t he district north of the Forthand Clyde) and in Galloway; the speech was C eltic; the court and administrative system, so far as the latter can be sa id to have existed, were Celtic. The church still retained, to a large ext ent, the structure and customs of Irish Christianity, although in the begi nning of the 8th century a powerful Pictish monarch had ordered his peop le to keep the Roman date for Easter.... The disorganized state of the Sco ttish church, and some peculiar customs which marked its ritual, shocked t he conscience of Malcolm's wife, an English princess, Margaret, who aft er the Norman Conquest, sought refuge in Scotland along with her brothe r, Edgar the Athel ing. ...Margaret was a woman of saintly life - she w as canonized a century and a half after her death - and her own desire w as to be a nun. [She tried but failed to bring the Scottish church into fu ll compliance with Rome and its systems.] ...Her most important personal a chievements were the introduction of an English-speaking court and of Engl ish-speaking clergy, and the education of her children in English ways a nd traditions." Malcolm founded the house of Canmore which reigned formo re than 200 years; thus he restored the House of Atholl. His reign was 105 8-1093; he was crowned at Scone.

Called Canmore (Ceanmohr, or Great-head), King of Scotland, was eldest s on of Duncan, who was murdered by Macbeth in 1039. After Duncan's death Ma lcolm fled for safety to his kinsman, Siward, Danish Earl of Northumberlan d, and continued to live for many years in England. In 1054 Siward, with t he sanction of Edward the Confessor, led an army into Scotland, encounter ed Macbeth near Dunsinane, defeated him, and left Malcolm in possession. M acbeth retired into the North, and the contest was only ended in 105 6, by his defeat and death at Lumphanan. Malcolm remained at peace with En gland during the reign of Edward the Confessor, but on the accession of Ha rold he favoured the attempt of Tostig. After the battle of Hastings he we lcomed to his court Edgar th e Atheling, with his mother and two sister s, and soon married one of them, the Princess Margaret. In 1070 he invad ed England, ravaged Durham, and carri ed off so many prisoners that for ye ars after English slaves were found in ev ery hamlet of Scotland. This ra id was avenged by a more savage and destructive devastation of Northumbr ia by William the Conqueror. Malcolm agreed to do h omage, and Edgar le ft his court, but he continued to give his protection to t he English exil es. Disputes arose with William Rufus, and in 1091 Malcolm aga in invad ed England, but retired without
fighting. William invaded Scotland t he next year, but peace was made by t he mediation of Duke Robert and Edgar. In 1093 Malcolm once more made an i ncursion into England and besieged Alnwick Castle. He was attacked by Rog er de Mowbray and killed in the battle, Novembe r 13th of that year. His q ueen, Margaret, heard the tidings, and died three days later.

Notes Source: bulkeley.txt

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