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Individual Record for: Geoffrey Plantagenet DE ANJOU (male)

    Fulk IV DE ANJOU+
  Fulk V DE ANJOU      Family Record
Geoffrey Plantagenet DE ANJOU      Family Record Bertrade DE MONTFORT+
Helias DE MAINE+
  Ermengarde DE MAINE      Family Record
    Matilde DE CHATEAU+

Spouse Children
  (Family Record)
Adelaide DE ANGUS
  (Family Record)
Hamelin Plantagenet DE ANJOU

Event Date Details
Birth 24 NOV 1113 Place: Anjou, France
Birth 24 AUG 1113  
Death 7 SEP 1151 Place: Chateau-du-Loir, Eure-et-Loire, France
Burial   Place: St. Julians Church, Le Mans, Anjou, France

Attribute Details
Title Count, Duke
The name Plantagenet, according to Rapin, came from a branch of yellow bro om (Planta-genista e) worn in his helm.

also called Geoffrey Plantagenet, by name, Geoffrey the Fair, French Geoff roi Plantagenet, or Geoffroi Le Bel, count of Anjou (1131-51), Maine, a nd Touraine and ancestor of the Plantagenet kings of England through his m arriage, In June 1128, to Matilda, daughter of Henry I of England. On Hen ry's deather (1135), Geoffrey claimed the duchy of Normandy; he finalkly c onquered it in 1144 and ruled there as duke until he gave it to his son He nry (later King Henry II of England) in 1150. Geoffrey was popular with t he Normans, but he had to suppress a rebellion of malcontent Angevin noble s. After a short war with Louis VII of France, Geoffrey signed a treaty ( August 1151) by which he surrendered the whole of Norman Vexin (the bord er area between Normandy and Ile-de-France) to Louis


[Burke says the marriage was 3 Apr 1127. The name Plantagenet, accordi ng to Rapin, came from when Fulk the Great being stung from remorse for so me wicked action, in order to atone for it, went a pilgrimage to Jerusale m, and was scourged before the Holy Sepulchre with broom twigs. Earlier au thorities say it was because Geoffrey bore a branch of yellow broom (Plant a-genista e) in his helm. Duke of Normandy 1144-1150.

b. Aug. 24, 1113
d. Sept. 7, 1151, Le Mans, Maine [France]
also called GEOFFREY PLANTAGENET, byname GEOFFREY THE FAIR, French GEOFFR OI PLANTAGENET, OR GEOFFROI LE BEL, count of Anjou (1131-51), Maine, and T ouraine and ancestor of the Plantagenet kings of England through his marri age, in June 1128, to Matilda, daughter of Henry I of England. On Henry 's death (1135), Geoffrey claimed the duchy of Normandy; he finally conque red it in 1144 and ruled there as duke until he gave it to his son Henry ( later King Henry II of England) in 1150. Geoffrey was popular with the Nor mans, but he had to suppress a rebellion of malcontent Angevin nobles. Aft er a short war with Louis VII of France, Geoffrey signed a treaty (Augu st 1151) by which he surrendered the whole of Norman Vexin (the border ar ea between Normandy and ole-de-France) to Louis.

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Notes Source: bulkeley.txt

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