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Individual Record for: III HENRY (male)

    Geoffrey Plantagenet DE ANJOU+
  II HENRY      Family Record
III HENRY      Family Record Matilda DE BRITTANY+
William , X DE POITIERS+
  Eleanor DE AQUITAINE      Family Record

Spouse Children
unknown spouse
  (Family Record)

Event Date Details
Birth 28 FEB 1154/55 Place: London, England
Death 11 JUN 1183 Place: Martel Castle, Quercy, France

Attribute Details
Title King
b. Feb. 28, 1155, London
d. June 11, 1183, Martel, Quercy, Fr.
also called HENRY FITZHENRY, second son of King Henry II of England by Ele anor of Aquitaine; he was regarded, after the death of his elder brothe r, William, in 1156, as his father's successor in England, Normandy, and A njou.
In 1158 Henry, only three years of age, was betrothed to Margaret, daught er of Louis VII of France and his second wife, on condition that Margaret 's dowry would be the Vexin, the border region between Normandy (then he ld by England) and France. Henry II took advantage of Pope Alexander III 's political difficulties to secure the Pope's permission for the childr en to be married in 1160. On June 14, 1170, the young Henry was crowned ki ng (theoretically to rule in association with his father) at Westminst er by Archbishop Roger of York. York's officiation, usurping a prerogati ve of the archbishop of Canterbury, exacerbated the dispute between the la tter, namely, Thomas Becket, and Henry II, which ended with Becket's murd er six months later. Crowned again on Aug. 27, 1172 (this time with Margar et), the Young King received no share of his father's power. (He was never theless called by contemporaries and by certain later chroniclers King Hen ry III.)

With his mother and his brothers Richard (the future Richard I) and Geoffr ey, he nearly overthrew Henry II in 1173. Forgiven for this revolt, he int rigued further against his father with Louis VII. In 1182-83 he waged w ar against Richard over Poitou, and he was preparing to fight Richard aga in when he died in France of dysentery.

The Young King was so popular that the people of Le Mans and Rouen almo st went to war for the custody of his body, and in his mother's heredita ry lands he was immortalized in the "Lament for the Young King" by the tro ubadour Bertran de Born.

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